Friday, June 17, 2011

Inseminator's Day

Don't worry dad, it'll be ok.
On this genetic journey,
we're all stops along the way.

We're the synergy sums
of all who came before,
daughter's and sons
of fish who walked ashore.

Sentient drops in a river of flesh,
flowing through time, flying in space.
Past, present, future enmeshed,
millennia of fathers written on each face.

Who you are, what you do,
echoes through time,
serious, silly too,
fruitless, sublime.

Responsibility passed on
to seek and honor truth.
No-bullshit baton,
mountain of my youth.

Won't bullshit myself,
take bullshit from another,
inherited in every cell,
might've missed my brothers.

Glad you're my dad,
hope you're satisfied
way your little lad
climbs the mountainside.

What I'm trying to say:
Have a happy pop's, pater's,
begetter's, sperm-donator's,
pa's, padre's, sire's, procreator's
daddy's, papa's, my mom inseminator's,
motherfucker's, not that time a masturbator's,
Happy happy Father's Day.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

We're All Wierd Alliterations

1+1=3 (hint: lowdown's in the highlights)

hilariously haphazard existential expressions
chaotically calculated cosmicomic caricaturizations
ambiguously intentional amen-able impressions

stubbornly stifling irksome irrationalities
obstinate obfuscating onerous orchestrations
dogmatically dodgy corpulent corporealities

drooling drama queens deifying despots
salivating selfcelebrated serial-lie-zations
zigzagging zygotes, beatifying zealots

adverse fabricators, fantasy addicted
hallucinating habituated deharmonizations
fabulist affinities, faithfully afflicted

me my mine mimes
egocentric equivocations
wrongly righteous torturing time
trifling tribal transubstantiations
intellectual inbreds, crowning crimes
neurotic narcissistic narco-nations
coercive collectives of sliceable slime

with formal rules we formulate
affixing acculturated affectations
with willing walls we insulate

quivering liars, quantitatively cleaving
palpitating polarizing prestidigitations
differentiating oscillators, differences weaving

organic calculators, organized callosums
quantifying quantum quantifications
chattering fluky flotsam and checksum

pulpous wiggling wobbling peeps
gelatinous gesticulating generations
squishy squashy shopping sheep

waterfilled windbags winding our watches
lubricated literalizing de-lineations
semisentient saltwater sipping our scotches

hiding each and every, heaven and hell
mesmerized masturbating manifestations
pretending cells, playing with our self

DNA downloads, indecently descended
randomized recombinant recreations
hidden truths, highly apprehended

trapped in our bodies, un-truly bound
insane invertebrate incarnations
un-real reality's reasoning unwound

fucking for fun, farting for free
vulgarized vibrating visitations
methane miracles, a jizm jamboree

relatively complex relativity compelled
urinating ululating undulations
shiv'ring persistent patterns, energy shells

loopy loaded logic lobules
fascinated fragmentations
monomaniacal motivated molecules

hopeful, shovelin' holy shit
defecating decorations
sanctifyin' where we sit

undetected underwritten explanations
we're all wierd, all iterations
writing rhymes betwixt and between


Monday, May 2, 2011

Asshole Like Me

Tonite, look at the stars 
and know 
what a very very small part 
of all of existence 
over all of time 
you are. 

Our problem is, 
our egos 
are much larger than we are, 
which keeps us small. 

Our self identities, 
so narrow and defined, 
hilarious dark irony 
apparently designed 
to identify our self, 
ass centered just inside, 
bound in fearful illusion, 
blind with pride, 
assuming disconnections 
only connection resides. 
is connection's other side. 

There is no part 
nor non-part, 
that is not part of everything. 
We are parts that can know, 
and not know, 
is 2b all we can be. 

See the stars, 
be the stars 
just keep being an asshole 
like me, 
